Jackson Harrison piano trio
Winner of the 2006 National jazz award for piano, Jackson Harrison is one of Australia's finest and original jazz pianists. Recently returned from touring Asia and recording a solo piano album, Jackson brings his band to Colbourne Ave for what is sure to be a spellbinding night of music.
I love watching family members improvise together. Those moments of dischord which go right back to fighting over the last bowl of coco pops, the resolution that comes from knowing you'll be brothers your whole life.
Ben and James Waples have both been finalists in the Wangaratta jazz competition and currently comprise two thirds of the Mike Nock trio. It'll be perfect.
cnr Colbourne Ave and St Johns Road, Glebe ( google map )
Thursdays from 8pm
anything you like - dinner, snacks, beverages, friends (glasses provided).
$20 / $10 concession for all concerts
Comfortable lounges, candlelight, all ages welcome.
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