The trio will be touring the UK from April 28th until August this year and they will be playing on the 14th April at Colbourne Avenue. Joshua Morgan will be joining the trio on drums and expect to see some guest musicians sitting in.

The admission is the regular $20 at the door (children with adult admitted free) and we are asking for an extra $10 donation to the Fiji Oxfam appeal. The last concert we did resulted in the band equalling the amount raised and the total went to Nepal appeal.

Celebrate Janet's birthday with the trio and many guest artists.

There will be lots of musicians sitting in.  Champagne and candles.  I'm not going to say which birthday it is, because I would never give away a ladys age, but come and celebrate and find out for yourself.

Janet has asked that we put the concert price up to $25, with the extra five dollars going to the Nepal earthquake appeal.  Even the musicians performing on the night will be putting in their $5.  A great way of giving back.


Popular Australian singer and pianist, Janet Seidel has a new and unique Australian tour coming up starting in September. The tour will see her trio perform at venues, large or small, country or city, as long as they have a real piano - that valuable instrument that seems to be joining the list of endangered species.  In the not so distant past, musicians plied their trade in venerable community establishments like Town Halls, theatres or Schools of Arts.  Often with wooden interiors, suitable for purely acoustic music of any genre, and always possessing a piano, the music could be simply presented, whatever the style.

Having just returned from the best part of 2011-2012 working in the UK and Europe, Janet noticed that an even longer tradition in England seems often to be falling below par, due to the same cause – a common lack of real pianos as they seem to disappear from venues that used to maintain one.  So, as a positive show of appreciation Janet’s well travelled trio will travel far and wide to showcase the pianos kept with love, by venues with the good taste to keep them on.

Though she is happy to acknowledge the description bestowed by Penguin’s Guide to Jazz on CD (UK) as “Australia’s first lady of jazz singing”, Janet’s trio in fact presents quite a variety of the music they love, a happy circumstance, which seems to help reach new fans every time they perform.